Probation Officers

Probation Officers

The field in Criminal Justice that I have chosen will take me a few steps to get there but I do have a plan. The beginning of my plan starts out here at IBC and ends at the juvenile probation department. In the state of Indiana you have to have a bachelors degree to become one so I will have a few steps on the way. I’m sure I will have to get some help with these steps but I am willing to ask the questions and the take the time that it will take to get me to the end of my plan.
One of the things that I think I can bring to this profession is a strong willingness to help. I’m sure I’m not the first to think this but I think I can make a difference. Kids are our future and so many people forget that. The children that are our gangsters and our murders today are the people that are our future. Just think about that for a moment. Is that the kind of would that you want your children and grand-children growing up in? Think back to the day when you were a kid. Remember when no one ever locked their front door? Or a woman could walk down the street and not have to worry about getting raped or mugged. Times have really changed. Now everyone puts dead bolts on all their doors and a woman never goes anywhere alone. Again I ask is this the kind of world you want your daughter or grand-daughter living in? These days the criminals are getting younger and younger. Hopefully we can do something about this before it is to late. We have to get out children and future children going down a different path and making better choices.
I have chosen juvenile probation because I think if you get to a child soon enough you can make a change in them. They can start going down the right path and make good choices.
Qualifications for Probation Officers
1. A probation officer shall be at least twenty-one (21) years of age.
2. A probation officer shall be an American citizen
3. A person who submits an application to take the examination for prospective probation...

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