Profile: Florian Wolfgang

Profile: Florian Wolfgang

• Florian Wolfgang is a 19 year old from Austria (Salzburg) who immigrates to Australia to become a professional singer in Melbourne. He has spoken no English but can sing many songs from old English time.
• He is a musical fanatic, inspired by Maria in the Sound of Music.
• He was born there in 1956 to very basic, hard working parents you don’t have much time, none in fact, for singing or music and are very harsh on him for leaving the family.

Statement of Explanation
• My intended audience is teenagers to young adults as the major age, but open for all above 14. The creative piece is aimed at young men and girls going for those dreams no matter how far they take you around the world, you should go for it.
• I want the audience to feel how hard it is for Florian to go for this dream and start a new life half way around the world without his parents approval or blessing, and then to go on a journey with him as he travels up and down the world of music.
• When Raimond from Romulus my father was describing how he felt getting off the boat into Melbourne and how everything goes so quick from there, this is how I got the idea about a young guy on his own immigrating to a new country.
• The techniques is will use is that to paint Florian is a very innocent light about life and ambitious about his musical, how he is a different person whilst singing.

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