Program Planning & Program Evaluation

Program Planning & Program Evaluation

Program Planning & Program Evaluation; Peace Domestic Violence Agency


The overall purpose of this paper is to compare program planning with program evaluation in a human service organization by describing how the two components are related. There will be examples of how program planning and evaluation interrelate with the PEACE Domestic Violence Agency scenario from Appendix B. We will also look at the technical and political aspects of program planning and evaluation that might be encountered in the PEACE Domestic Violence Agency scenario, and how these aspects could affect the planning and evaluation process.
Program Planning & Program Evaluation; Peace Domestic Violence Agency
Program planning and program evaluation are a critical part of any human service program and are a vital part in determining the success of the program. The program planning process starts with the identification of an issue or problem in a community in this case that would be the issue of domestic violence and the increase of domestic violence. In order for a program to be effective in addressing this issue the PEACE Domestic Violence Agency must set program goals, objectives, activities and evaluations to ensure that those involved with the program have a clear idea of what exactly it is that the program is supposed to achieve. The PEACE Domestic Violence Agency has clearly laid out what the target population for their program is as well as what the program wants to achieve in the mission statement. The needs or problem assessment have been clearly thought out and are present in the mission statement and description of the community in the scenario; both of which are an important part of the program planning process.
Program evaluation is carefully collecting information about a program or some aspects of a program in order to make necessary decisions about the program. This evaluation process can include various activities, which are vital...

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