

Sam Hyden
Melissa Schenkel
ENG 1250

Going to Prom
The latest English exam you have taken will soon become an unlikely remembered event, while your prom night remains an event that will be forever ingrained in your memory. For that reason, there is a great deal of pressure among high school students to attend this prom event with a date. To attend prom with a date, it is necessary to know the following essential steps: being confident about approaching a potential date, making that first impression, and asking your potential prom date for his or her company for that night. The most common reason people have bad prom experiences is due to the company they choose to keep on prom night. While the romance of prom may make it seem like a night for couples, this is not always the best scenario, neither does going as part of a group guarantee a good time (Hardcastle 1).
Primarily, it is important to be confident enough to approach a potential date. This will keep your hopes up about asking out a potential date, and of attending the prom alive and realistic. You should visualize yourself at the prom with your date. Try to imagine your dress or tuxedo, as well as, the music, food, dance and, people. These visualizations are best if they are more realistic and detailed. You should also practice walking the hallways of your school with confidence, by keeping your head held high and proud. Try to give off a positive energy, especially towards the surrounding opposite gender. Also, by believing that you are a worthy prom date, and becoming accepting of it, you will help boost your self-esteem. Often, our minds impair our success for any life goal; if you feel unworthy of a prom date it may become reality. When there is a presence of a high self-esteem, and a positive attitude towards attending prom, you will now most likely have the confidence to approach a potential date.
Accordingly, making that first impression involves you being confident but,...

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