Promoting and Protecting the Civil Rights

Promoting and Protecting the Civil Rights

Civil Rights
Kevin Jackson
POLI – 1001 – 2
Elizabeth Garbrah – Aidoo
January 9, 2011

The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King worked to promote and protect the civil rights of anyone who were being deprived equal and fair treatment under the laws of the United States. His focus, however in the early years of his operation was on the African American population in the United States. In the late fifties and early sixties, The Supreme Court began to redress some of the policies and doctrines relevant to African Americans. (Patterson, 2008)
Dr. King employed his brilliant use of language and rhetorical skills along with direct action in the form of boycotts, marches and civil disobedience to promote civil rights. These were examples of non – violent confrontation, although these actions were met with great violence. In 1963; Birmingham, Alabama was the scene of extreme police brutality led by Eugene “Bull” Conner, who attacked peaceful protesters with dogs and fire hoses.
Dr. King brought attention to the treatment of poor in this country. His undertaking at the time of his death was the poor people’s campaign. He argued the civil rights were unfulfilled without “human rights”. He called attention to the problem those living in dire poverty, surrounded by the luxurious of the wealthiest nation in the world. A disproportionate number of these poor were African Americans. Today, blacks are still are still unequal in the socioeconomic landscape. According to Kent L. Koppelman; Emeritus, University of Wisconsin, “…even when people of color earn a college degree, they do not gain the same financial reward for that achievement as a white person.” (Koppelman, 2011)
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