Prostitution : Human Doll

Prostitution : Human Doll

Prostitution Degrade and treats women as Human Doll

We can't deny that there are moments (or maybe always) that prostitutes are treated like a human doll. If they react and say “ I'm not a doll, I'm a human being. You need to treat me better.” Men would usually response “If you're a human being, then why are you doing this?” (based on my interview with Rhoda Torres, a former entertainer in Malaysia and Singapore.) Basically, prostitutes sell their bodies for the pleasure of men who are willing to pay. Aside from that, they permit their bodies to be used for sexual acts possibly for countless times that makes them degrade their selves and makes it immoral. By Categorical Imperative, we can justify that prostitution, by definition, go against the theory, by allowing men to use women purely as a “means to an end” In most cases, this is true. To treat someone as mere sexual object is to fail to respect their worth as human being. So we can make a premise that prostitution is a practice of sexual objectification of women. Moreover according to Brenda Myers- Powell research in year 2008 “ Is paying for sex really worth it?” reveals that prostitution is the ultimate life killer of a woman who is beaten to stay, prevented to seek other options and imprison her for countless days. For an anti- prostitution, condoning prostitution is the most demeaning and degrading thing a state can do to women. Instead of legalizing and tolerating it, helping women to get back into society is the most agreeable solution a state should done.

Nevertheless, if men or the society deem prostitution using Ayn Rand Ethical Egoism, their intention would be rational and never be perceived as demeaning and treating women as a human doll the fact that Egoism is cared only for the self interest. In particular with that, through Martin Buber perspective in human being he opposed the assumption of categorical imperative “means to an end”. According to him human are social being and...

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