Psychology Paper

Psychology Paper

Relate concept of time to memories are formed and maintained

Through out life we've been taught that time actually exist. However to us, alike how memories exist, they only in our mind. In our daily lives we use time to organize our memories or events. For an example, ‘’I heard the bell ring at 8 o’clock’’. As you see “when” is used to recall memory. Another example would be when our teachers give us homework we would say, ‘’When is it due?’’. Since time and memories are clearly linked to one another in general, how are memories formed and maintained?
Similar to how time is a man-made phenomenon, memories are also created. Our memories are created with information through what we hear and see in our everyday lives. More specifically the information is taken in the sensory register. Then they are stored in the short-term or long-term memory. The short-term memory also know as the working memory, can alone hold small amounts of information in a short time period. Long-term memory are memories that are stored for many years. However as “time” goes by some of our memories become distorted and aren't “real” as they were before. The reason behind are that memories change over time if they aren't asked to bring upon or brought up often. This is why we can only say that our memories are only created and are not reliable resources. In general, our memories are only real to us. The same logic goes for time. We believe in it merely because the fact that we invented clocks. However, clocks are only man-made. Therefore time is not real
In order to keep our memories more real, memories can be maintained by rote rehearsal or elaborative rehearsal. Rote rehearsal is the repeating of information over and over. Elaborative rehearsal is linking new information in short-term memory to familiar item in long-term memory. The method of repeating information or rote rehearsal consumes time, however is known to be effective in some ways. Studies has been shown that repeating...

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