Psychology Vocabulary

Psychology Vocabulary


1. apathy-n: absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement, lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting.
Saddam Hussein showed apathy towards the Kurds and the Shiites.
2. bevevolent-adj: characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings
Mother Teresa was benevolent nun who started her own order.
3. blithely-adj: joyous, merry, or gay in disposition; glad; cheerful
The children blithely danced the Christmas tree on Christmas morning.
4. caper-v: to leap or skip about in a sprightly manner; prance; frisk; gambol.
The children capered and frolic through the field of flowers.
5. conjure-v: to affect or influence by or as if by invocation or spell, summoned.
Witches in Europe were convicted of conjuring evil spirits.
6. cryptic-adj: mysterious in meaning; puzzling
Many of Leonardo DaVinci’s paintings have cryptic messages hidden in them.
7. disinter-v: to take out of the place of interment; exhume; unearth
The police went to the graveyard to disinter the body from the grave.
8. disperse-v: to drive or send off in various directions; scatter
The large crowd dispersed frantically after someone yelled, “Fire!”
9. dissentient-n: dissenting, esp. from the opinion of the majority
The Shiites and Kurds were a dissentient to the Hussein dictatorship.
10. elaborate-v: marked by intricate and often excessive detail; complicated
The sarcophagus had elaborated decorations details etched in the solid gold.
11. enmity-n: a feeling or condition of hostility; hatred; ill will
The Montagues and the Capulets had enmity towards eachother.
12. ensconce-v: to settle securely or snugly
The cat ensconce snuggled into the pillow.
13. gambol-v: to skip about, as in dancing or playing; frolic
The cat gamboled about after eating to much cat nip.
14. ignominious-adj: marked by or attended...

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