Review your roles, responsibilities and relationships in the lifelong learning sector.

As Gravells (2007) stated the primary role of a teacher is to teach a subject in a way that actively engages all pupils in every session. I believe that the most important aspect of my role as a motor vehicle tutor is to ensure my students enjoy their learning. If they do not enjoy my sessions they lose the interest to learn. I monitor their attitudes towards the sessions and their responses to tasks set to ensure they are always engaged.

Gravells (2007) goes on to further explain how a good teacher works to manage the learning process from where the students begin, assessing their progress and achievements throughout the teaching and learning cycle. From my initial assessments I can plan suitable activities for each individual’s learning needs. Through constant feedback to students and using support staff where necessary I can address any specific needs and adapt my teaching approach accordingly. In order for this to happen, effective assessment records for every student must be kept. Accurate, factual, up to date record keeping is a very important part of a teacher’s role. Records should display clear, straight forward language, be concise, and accurate. They should clearly distinguish between facts, opinion, judgements and assumption. Records are a very important reflective tool for both me and my students. They record the learners’ journey from start to finish and allow both teacher and the student to reassess the teaching-learning relationship. I use these records to identify which students need more help, guidance and support and how them to the students to help them understand what they need to do next to improve their work. They underpin the courses structure by telling the complete history and progress of both student and the course. Only then accurate and reliable feedback can be given. Within my current role as motor vehicle tutor I...

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