The Truth of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
It is human nature to get nervous or feel anxious as part of their daily lifestyle, particularly during certain ‘out-of-ordinary’ situations. Post-Traumatic Stress can lead to the development of several different disorders, which includes major depression, specific phobias and personality disorders. On the positive side, this little anxiety can help the individuals to channelize and focus their energy as well as attention on the right path. On the other hand, when this tension reaches more than normal levels, or extreme levels based on the severity of the situations (for example War-like situations), individuals will enter the state of helplessness and uncertainty, leading to accumulation of stress. This resultant stressed mind negatively affects individuals’ ability to function normally and wrecks their daily life, further causing depression and in extreme cases psychological disorders.
As we take a look in a stressed and depressed state; individuals may not be able to utilize they are physical as well as mental parts optimally. When that happens, there will be a poor match between the personal, societal expectations and the functional ability of the individuals. In which leads to the disorientation, and of the individuals’ psychological systems causing disorders like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Background about PTSD and the chief claim or theme
PTSD, anxiety and stress-related psychological disorder, can develop in individuals when he/she have been through a shocking event or ordeal, during which grave mental torture or physical harm has occurred. Traumatic events that may trigger PTSD may include violent personal assaults on the individuals, or when the individuals get caught in natural or human-caused disasters, accidents, or even military combat. (“Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder”). Individuals affected with PTSD could undergo grave mental ordeals, affecting not only their personal,...

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