public speaking (penguins)

public speaking (penguins)

Good MorningPrincipal, teachers and my fellow friends. I’m _________ from Year. Today I’m going to talk about penguins. What are penguins? Well, penguins are birds with black and white feathers and a funny waddle. But unlike most birds, penguins are not able to fly in the air. Penguins spend as much as 75% of their time underwater, searching for food in the ocean. When they are in the water, they dive and flap their wings. It just looks like they are flying! Penguins are shaped like a torpedo. Their body is built for the most efficient swimming with their average speed in the water being about 15 miles per hour.
Do all penguins live in cold climates? All penguins reside in the Southern Hemisphere. But most do not live in Antarctica. In fact, only two species actually live on the Antarctic coastline. Penguins spend a lot of time dealing with temperature. They are warm blooded, just like people with a normal body temperature of about 100 degrees .So how do they stay warm in the cold places they live and in the icy cold waters? Just like whales, penguins have a layer of fat under their skin called "blubber. They are covered with fluffy feathers and they also have their outer feathers, which overlap to seal in warmth. Penguins rub oil from a gland onto their feathers to help make them waterproof and windproof. Even so, penguins often need help to stay warm. In photos and video, you'll often see groups of penguins huddled shoulder to shoulder with their wings tight against their body keeping each other warm
What do penguins eat? Well, they are not vegetarians. Penguins eat seafood. Their main diet is fish, although they also eat squid, small shrimp like animals called krill and crustaceans. What do they drink? They drink salt water. They have a special gland in their bodies that takes the salt out of the water they drink and pushes it out of grooves in their bill.
Many people think that penguins jump. Well, penguins don't jump, they BOUNCE! They waddle...

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