Punishment Philosophy

Punishment Philosophy

Punishment Philosophy

There are several philosophies regarding punishment. The philosophy I preferred over all the other ones was incapacitation because this incapacitates the prisoner to be put away from society physically. I think that just personal characteristics of a criminal can say a lot about them and it can say more about them for example, if they are going to commit another crime. According to (Zimring, 1995) “incapacitation now serves as the principal justification for imprisonment in American criminal justice: offenders are imprisoned in the United States to restrain them physically from offending again while they are confined.” As for incapacitation it keeps the offender out of society, but when there is retribution it means the offender has to give something in return for the act they committed. I do not think they should give something in return to receive something back. When it comes to incapacitation it tries to prevent the offender from committing anymore crimes by keeping them locked up.
Deterrence is used to cause fear so they will not commit the same criminal act again but it is temporary and some of these offenders will not allow fear to keep them from committing the same crime or different crime again. No matter how many times the justice system tries to put fear in them realistic they will not fear forever and may commit a crime again. When it comes to rehabilitation it can be a good option for some of these criminals to turn their life around because they receive the help needed. This does not mean they will be kept away from society but put back out into society to try and live a productive live. I feel that rehabilitation is only a temporary solution for a criminal. When it comes to vengeance like the saying goes “eye for an eye” is the same meaning. It is not good for a person to take vengeance into his/her own hands. We have a justice system that is put into place so it can give the right amount of punishment according for...

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