Raising our children in today’s world thru Unschooling

Raising our children in today’s world thru Unschooling

Raising our children in today’s world thru Unschooling
By nature, a little child is very wrapped up in their own pleasures and needs, and usually acts on the basis of what will result in pleasure for them. But at the same time the child is almost completely subject to the will of others; they are not physically free to satisfy every desire; since it is very easy for them to hear an adult’s wishes as expressions of their own will.
The child can not differentiate social cues, they need parental guidance, first from their parents, then from teachers and other adults, and later from institutions their parents esteem, like the Church and school. The main components for raising one’s children are base on past experiences, mothers influence and obedience. The mother’s influence is paramount; since she sets the standards and expectations that the child is most aware of. Until they are eighteen or move out of the house, to be good is to be obedient. The expectations of the mother, reinforced by the father, become the child’s moral system. One of the best ways of teaching the young children good behavior is to tell them stories that will expose them to moral behavior outside of their own experiences. Inspirational stories about scriptural characters are ideal. They can identify with hero-type authority figures and this is reinforced when his parents sanction such identification. This means that if a parent expects a child to act lovingly and the parent presents a model of loving behavior, it is very easy for the child to practice acting lovingly.
Consequently, there is no better time to teach obedience than during the very early years, before school age. Most children naturally wants pleasure, but is dependent on others for that pleasure; therefore, they are anxious to please others. Before your child can say, I want, they must have the experience of responding to the commands of, and you must complete your homework or clean your room or pick up your toys....

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