Random: Justin Bieber

Random: Justin Bieber

Virtually all of the people in this world admire someone. There are some that adores their parents, siblings and friends, as a matter of fact, I do admire my family and friends a lot, but at the same time, I really adore a few celebrities and famous people. One of them is Justin Bieber.

Every time I hear a Justin Bieber song on the radio, I find myself singing along with a smile on my face. Although he is liked for his good looks and amazing voice, Justin has much more to offer to his fans. Justin Bieber is my idol because he is an inspiring person. Yes, he may be one of the most popular pop singers at the moment, but he tries to be a normal kid, works hard, and shares his wealth with people in need.

The first thing that impresses me about Justin Bieber is that although he is extremely famous, under all that fame and spotlight there is still a real person who cares deeply about his friends and family. Even though Justin’s best friends and family live in Canada, he tries to see them as often as he can. Also, even though Justin is a huge star, he still lives under his mothers rules. Many may think he gets to do whatever he wants but his mother treats him how any other 17 year-old boy would be treated. Justin is also a real person because he respects everybody around him, from his manager, to his bodyguard, everyone. Some pop stars may think the people around them are their servants, but Justin respects his staff and understands that everyone around him does their best to help him. Also, Justin respects his fans because he understands that he would not be where he is today without them.

Many may think Justin is a spoiled pop star, but he is really down to earth. Justin’s willingness to work hard keeps him grounded and is another one of his characteristics that appeals to me. People may think Justin Bieber became a pop star overnight, but he has worked very hard to get where he is today. Even with a big record deal today, Justin continues to...

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