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Home>Macbeth Cluedo - Online teaching notes
Macbeth Cluedo - Online teaching notes
Resource pack comprising:
Cluedo board and set of characters and weapons to use on the board
three sets of cards: setting, character and weapon
player check sheets
learner instructions
wanted poster and substitution table.
You will need:

a copy of the Cluedo board, characters and weapons for each group
a set of setting, character and weapon cards printed and laminated for each group
a copy of Cluedo player check sheets for each learner
an IWB to show the PowerPoint slides for the settings, characters and weapons
enough dice for each group
an envelope for each group
copies of the Wanted poster and substitution writing frame for each learner
You will need to:
print out the game boards as full-page slides (A3 size) and laminate them
print the characters and weapons for the Cluedo board. Print as 6-per-page and these can be laminated for reuse
make the three sets of flashcards for setting, character cards and weapons cards for each group by printing them out as 9-to-a-page handouts and cutting them up to make small flashcards. These can be laminated for reuse.
print individual copies of the player check sheets
print a set of learner instructions for each group
print a copy of the Wanted poster and substitution table for each learner.
Curriculum Objectives
To be introduced to the key characters in Macbeth
To be introduced to key settings in Macbeth
Language/Literacy Objectives:
On the …
In the …
At the …
Expressing an opinion
Passive voice:
I think King...

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