

Moisés R. Toledo Cátala October 24, 2013


According to the newspaper “El Nuevo Día” in Puerto Rico our island is suffering the addiction of marihuana. I personally do not like that so many people use it the wrong way and with the wrong needs because of the addictive problems. Marihuana is very dangerous and casus multiple brain problems directly to our nerve system. The article has three specific events about the process of the drug management which are that a 91% (percent) of people are not dependent of the drug, then an intent for a new law that does not penalize that people consume a 1 ounce of the drug if they were to be over 21 of age and last, that governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla is not if favor of the way the proposed law was written but will discuss it in different for medical issues or the drug its self. First, in no way passible is our brain strong enough to not become dependent of a drug. Our nerve molecules act in favor of the drug and if not controlled in time we all become dependent. The 91% of independency is definitely a false statement and I am not in favor of this way of the valuation for our society. Second how in earth can you accept that teenagers in their twenty’s use this drug and even worse legalize accept legalize it? There is already too many people consuming it illegally, imagine if it were legal. Our society will definitely corrupt bit by bit. Last, my comments towards marihuana in medical terms are that they are apparently not a bad idea but most of us know that it is possible to find criminality in any place and money moves anything. This means that persuasion exists and medical prescriptions can rain in many close by Walgreen’s and Wal-Mart. Finally I hate the fact that society itself, ignores that drug is harmful and we all grow up and eventually die but our descendants, “kids” will have to live with this type of new society and worse drug problems. This will definitely break Puerto Rico’s...