recognizing stress

recognizing stress

Blanca And Renae
November 29, 2015

Questions @ Answers

Q: Hello JK I will be your case worker handling your adoption request, I will be going over with you the process and how open adoption works. First I would like to ask you a couple of question but before we get started would you like some water?
A: No thank you
Q: How far a long are you?
A: I’m six months pregnant?
Q: I see was this planned or was it a surprise?
A: It was a surprise, when I first found out I was scared I felt alone. I didn’t tell anyone not even my boyfriend. I thought
about an abortion because I was scared and I don’t think it’s right. Two months ago I finally told my boyfriend that I was
pregnant and that I decided to give the baby up for adoption and surprisingly enough he was supportive. I just want to
knowabout how open adoption works so that I can make the best decision on how to proceed.
Q: wow
Q: I can tell this is very emotional for you and I can also see that you have put a lot of thought into your decision on open adoption, would you
Like some tissue’
A: Yes thank you. If you were me would you have an adoption or would you keep it?
Q: To be honest with you there are no right or wrong answers when it comes to a decision it’s all about could you live with your decision.
I cannot say what I would do but what I can say is that you are very brave, strong and smartto do what you are doing, let us discuss the open adoption.
how open adoption works, you choose a family that you feel comfortable with base on these books, once you chose the family, you will meet with them ask as may
questions you feel necessary once you chose the family they will be notified. I will attend your doctor’s appointments and when you go into labor I will be there also.
The family that you chose will send you pictures of the baby and when the child gets older they would have the opportunity to reach out to you, how does that
A: Yes, that...

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