Reflections on Nutritiion

Reflections on Nutritiion

1. Capstone CheckPoint: Reflections on Nutrition
Due Date: Day 4 [Individual] forum
Reflect on what you have learned about the science of nutrition, using the assignments
you have completed up to this point as reference. What assignment did you enjoy the
most? Why? Are there any assignments that you have completed that have affected your
life in terms of overall health and nutrition habits? If so, which assignment? How has it
impacted you?

As I sit here, review previous assignments, and think about the knowledge gained through this course, it is apparent there is not any one particular assignment that jumps out as being enjoyed the most. Each week’s topic has been interesting and something new has been learned.
The course in its entirety has had an affect on my overall health and nutrition habits. The assignments regarding carbohydrates and the importance of water would have to be two topics that probably has affected me the most. With the fad diets of today, all carbohydrates have taken a bad rap. The research done to understand carbohydrates and the way the body uses them was very beneficial for me. Seeing that refined carbohydrates are the true bad guys and that simple and complex carbohydrates are not bad. In actuality, the unprocessed carbohydrate [whether simple or complex] is important to the proper functioning of the body. During the importance of water assignment, it caused me to really stop and look at my own habits. Being someone who would drink very little water, if any at all, I discovered what I was actually doing to myself. Knowing that water affects everything in your body and its systems, brings to light that some of the simple aches and pains people feel can often times be reduced just by looking at water intake and increasing it. Since these assignments, I have made changes in my lifestyle to make sure that my intake of recommended amounts of water and proper carbohydrates are met. Just with these changes, I have a...

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