Reflective journals

Reflective journals

Faculty of Health Sciences

Cover Sheet for Assignments


Student Number: 15484246

Unit Name: Indigenous Culture and Health – ICH130

Assignment: Reflective Journal


Date Due: October 10th, 2011, 4:00 p.m.

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Student Name: SHANNON KENNEDY Student Number: 15484246

Unit Name: Indigenous Culture and Health – ICH130

Assignment: Reflective Journal


1. Introductory Class 20 / 7 / 2011
This week was our first real exposure to this new course and the expectations we are required to fulfill as students studying the Indigenous Culture and Health unit. I am from a country town north of Perth, and so I have met, and am friends with some Indigenous people and throughout school have learnt some things about their history. I have learnt a little about some of their traditional cultural ways and think it is interesting and unique, yet I am not really feeling too enthusiastic about the unit as I have had some negative personal experiences with Indigenous people which makes me feel like I don’t want to learn about them. I don’t really see the relevance of learning about Aboriginal people to my goal of becoming a Physiotherapist, but I guess these views might change the more I learn from this unit.

The significance of the Indigenous culture to its people, I know to be quite special, although I don’t think that I am fully aware of just how much they cherish it and so learning more about this is what I could look forward to gaining from this unit. My ideas of Indigenous history developed already from the first class, as I didn’t know that the Indigenous people have been around for longer than...

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