relation ships

relation ships

How long does a relationship last? Well in my experience it usually starts to get bad around the six month, because that is when both people in the relationship really start revealing their faults. Then the relationship lasts about three more months more because you want to learn to accept their faults even though sometimes things aren't meant to be. Then the next month is spent out of pity because it is hard to find the courage to look someone in the eye and break up with them. So around ten months, unless your me, and in that case that three months becomes about six months, because I try to hard to make things work hehe. Yeah average though is ten months I would say.

The average long distance relationship last to about 6 months, up to a year. But, to make long distance relationships work you have to have faith in the relationship, and you have to be willing to wait. I'm in a long distance relationship right now, and it's pretty hard, but hey, hugging, kissing, sex, etc. isn't everything. It all depends on if you really love the other person or not! I have to wait three years until I'm finally able to see the guy I'm dating, and live with him and all, and yeah, three years is a long time.. but it's gonna be worth it. And, I'm starting to save up money right now for the trip, (:

I guess you just have to find the right person to be in a relationship with. I wouldn't go for the people who dated so many others before you. Then you know it won't last too long. But I think the maximum it lasts it probably 10 months or if you're lucky enough, a year.

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