Renewd Warfare Among Europeans and Indians

Renewd Warfare Among Europeans and Indians

Section Title: Renewed Warfare Among Europeans and Indians pp. 118-23
1. Albany Congress 
• Delegates from seven northern and middle colonies gathered in Albany in response to the French threat
• Delegates wanted to persuade the Iroquois to abandon their traditional neutrality and to coordinate the defenses of the colonies
• Albany Congress was preparing for a war that already started when French troops took over a palisade at the forks of Ohio

2. Seven Years’ War
• George Washington’s defeat at a fort led Britain to declare war on France to start the Seven Years’ War
• French had support of Indians in Ohio to fight the English and Iroquois
• William Pitt agreed to reimburse the colonies if they gave militia to the British army
• British army soon had won more battles and conquered more cities and forts
• Iroquois came out of neutrality and fought for the British
• The war ended in North America when the British took over Montreal

Section Title: 1763: A turning Point pp. 123-25
1. Neolin and Pontiac
• The fate of the Cherokees in the South portended events in the Ohio country
• Neolin urged Indians to oppose British incursion on their land and European influence on their culture
• Neolin called for a peaceful and armed rebellion against the British
• Pontiac gathered Indian tribes and took over forts

2. Proclamation of 1763
• British officials could not govern the vast land easily
• Proclamation of 1763 forbad anyone from settling west of the start of rivers going into the Atlantic
• Colonists became furious
• Latter groups in the colonies pushed the boundaries more west and South

3. George III
• George III was left with a huge war debt and trying to find money to defend the newly acquired lands
• George III was immature and did not have a good...

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