Report on a Company

Report on a Company


Made By-
Saurav Sanyal C-41 Sumit Arora C-46
Shahbaaz Bhat C-42 Ummar Matoo C-47
Shivank Gupta C-43 Urvashi Khatpalia C-48
Shruti Dwivedi C-44 Utkarsh Thukral C-49
Sneh Vardhan C-45 Varidhi Chandra C-50

Tirupati Equipments Private Limited - A Profile
Tirupati Equipments Pvt. Ltd. is one of India’s most promising and fast-progressing companies, involved in the manufacture of re-locatable pre-fabricated huts, shelters and building systems for housing and administrative blocks. It is today amongst the leading suppliers to the Indian army and other special Forces.
Created 21 years ago as a joint venture between two of India’s most renowned multi-product groups, the GKG Group and JN Group, Tirupati Equipments has the experience and basis to effectively adapt to the ever-changing needs of its industry. Led by Directors Anurag Gupta and Vineet Chandra, and ably supported by a team of reliable managers and craftsmen at its extensive plant in Chakarpur (U. P.), Tirupati Equipments has both the capability and capacity to cater to its customers’ every requirement.

JN Group - A Profile
|Year |Activities |
|1933 |Started Transportation Business in Dehradun |
|1945 |Started Automobile Dealership with General Motors and Premier Automobiles |
|1946 |Started Finance Business |
|1954 |Entered in to TML Dealership |
|1954 - 1998 |Expansion of TML Dealership in various places of UP, MP, Bihar and Rajasthan |

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