research paper

research paper

 Vincent 1

Affects of Bullying
Zach Vincent
Dr. Cole
English Comp. 1

Vincent 2
Many children experience or atleast witness bullying or vilolent acts in school. In his "Uncovering the Hidden Causes of Bullying and School Violence," Barry K. Weinhold explains what violence is, the hidden elements in the culture of violence, reason behind bullying, and why bullying should be important to "us." This paper will cover the article's Hidden Causes of Violence, the Kindness Campaign, and Parental Neglect and Emotional Abandonment of Our Children.
Weinhold wants to examine the hidden elements of the culture of violence, expose the pervasive nature of bullying and school violence, show how school violence is onlh a small part of a larger pattern of violence that is fed by the culture of violence, and descrive affective long-range prevention methods that address the hidden elements of the culture of violence. Weinhold argues that there are six hidden elements that point toward the occurrence of more Columbine-type shootings; a dominator value system that supports violence, an over-focus on negative behaviors, te pervasiveness of byllying behavior, the role of post-tramatic stress dissorder in the perpentration of violence, and the effects of parental neglect and emotional abandonment on children (Weinhold, 2000). One of these elements is over-focus on negative behaviors. Almost 100 percent of students and faculty at schools visitied by Weinhold say that it is easier to gain recognition through negative behavior than positive behavior (Weinhold, 1999a). The good things go unnoticed in todays society and kids are all about being noticed and fitting in so in order to get noticed they behave neatively instead of positively. Weinhold gives the example of how the audiences, at television sitcons, laugh most when the characters make mistakes. This shows that negativity goes further noticed than positivity or routine behavior. The Kindness Campaign...

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