Responsibility College

Responsibility College

Personal Responsibility and College Success
Alex Hill
University of Phoenix

Even though family and instructors can help a student be successful, personal responsibility is key to success in college because people who take personal responsibility take control of the decisions in their life and motivation to succeed. College is one of the first times in a young person’s life that they must truly take responsibility for their success. It is at this time when a student learns what they are really capable of accomplishing.
Keys to success in college fall greatly into the realm of personal responsibility. Number one is time management. As a college student, you must learn to say no to things like partying with friends, going to the movies and even working extra hours at work. School has to be the number one priority to succeed and only when studying and schoolwork is done is there time for leisure activities. Campuses face the significant problems of cheating, alcohol and other drug abuse, violence, and a sharp rise in diagnosed depression and in self-destructive behaviors such as anorexia, bulimia, and suicide attempts (Hersh & Carol, 2005). These are just some of the problems on college campuses that students are going to over come through personal responsibility to succeed in the college world.
Every student needs to find his or her own motivation to succeed. This motivation could come from personal accomplishment, the desire for a particular job, or the need to provide for your family. Everyone will have their own unique thing that motivates them, the key is to find and use that motivation. The desire to be the next great innovator in the world of technology, for instance, is something that will push a student to do their best in college and learn as much as they in the relatively small time that one is in school. Far too often you see college students who are unmotivated, turn to drugs and alcohol and in turn increase the violent crime...

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