Reviving Ophelia (Book Review)

Reviving Ophelia (Book Review)

Reviving Ophelia

Adolescence and Identity

 In this paper I will take information in which I have obtained from reading Mary Piphers, Ph.D. Reviving Ophelia Saving The Selves of Adolescent Girls and elaborate on some of her main points and arguments. I will also discuss whether I feel Mary Pipher’s views on the toxic influence of media are accurate, and how it affects adolescent girls. My paper will also point out the relevance of Mary Pipher’s case studies on the problems that today’s female teens are facing, while elaborating my points as to why I feel the way I do.

Reviving Ophelia
Reading Reviving Ophelia after reading Lost Boys, I honestly feel two totally ends of the spectrum were hit. Pipher examines the loss of selves that most girls experience going through their adolescent development. She brings up the fact that preadolescent girls have the ability to be androgynous, as well as an interest in nearly everything. Gender roles are not limiting at this age, it is their time away from the female gender role. The onset of puberty changes most girls into very confused and ever changing creatures. They go from being carefree to careful of what their every move is. Most adolescent girls are hyper aware of themselves, over analytical of the criticisms they may receive and of their bodies, and they "crash and burn in a social and developmental Bermuda Triangle". (Pipher, 1994)
Some points Pipher emphasized about adolescent females and development was the pressures put upon them during their development. Pipher discussed issues from sexism to media pressures, and several other pressures that effect the major developmental changes of a female’s life. These issues were also backed up by case studies in which Pipher wrote about both past and present clients who stood out as valid clients who were relevant to the work in which she was studying.
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