Rheumatic Fever

Rheumatic Fever

There are a lot of diseases that can be deadly if not treated right. Dieases or virus like the flu, pneumonia, scarlet fever, stomach virus etc. can be treated and cured with nutrients and vaccines. There are few parts of the world mostly third world countries were people still die from diseases that can be preventable. Then there are diseases that mutate to other sicknesses which aren’t curable and are not detectable as well.
One of the most deadly of killers that are not noticeable is rheumatic fever. Rheumatic fever affects children ages 6 -15, 20 days after a strep throat or scarlet fever is usually when the infection occurs. Up to a third of cases, the strep infection that caused rheumatic fever may not have any symptoms or show in any tests. Most of the time it is too late for the person to survive from the diese because they were diagnosed too late.
Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory disease which is usually common worldwide and responsible for many cases of damaged heart valve.  The fever itself a disease caused by an infection with group A B-hemolytic streptococcal bacteria that occurs in a small percentage of people with strep throat. When we hear the words "Scarlet Fever" we often tend to think of a deadly disease that doctors have no cure from. But it is quite the contrary; scarlet fever is just a serious case of strep throat and the medication prescribed by doctors, cures within days. But the symptoms unfortunately are not very pleasant and having Scarlet Fever is not just a walk in the park. After reading up on the disease hopefully the importance of prevention and symptoms will be understood and no more cases of Scarlet Fever will creep up. Scarlet fever was once common, that usually affects children between the ages of two and ten, disease but now is easily treatable.
The organism usually enters the body through the mouth or nose. It is generally transmitted from person to person by direct contact. That is, from the sprays of a sneeze...

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