

The Problem:
There has been poaching since 2000 years ago, in Asia. Poaching can be for fun or for money.
Africa has two rhinos: White and Black. The white rhino can be 8000 pounds and the black rhino can be 3000 pounds. People want rhinos for their skin to make armor, meat to eat, and horn for medicine. Today, people want the horn because it is rare.

The Effects:
One effect is that rhinos are dying. They are in the danger of extinction. When the population decreases, the rarity increases, so more people want rhinos, which causes the population to decrease. In 2025, it is expected to be 0 rhinos left in the wild in Africa.

Fact 1: The rhino population decreased from 70000 in 1960 to 28000 today.

Fact 2: The price today is about 30000 dollars for rhino horn, with each horn being about 6 pounds.

Fact 3: In China, powdered horn is used to cure fevers. In Asia, t is sold for 100$ per gram, more than cocaine.

Fact 4: Rhinos have very poor eyesight. Many poachers hunt because they are poor and need to sell something. Others think it is fun.

Fact 5: Some people cut off horns of Rhinos so poachers will not kill them for their horn.

Help: One way to help is to spread information about poaching to people around the world. Another way is to donate to create wildlife preservations.

El problema:
Personas ha cazado los rinocerontes por diversión o por dinero desde hace 2000 años.
África tiene dos rinocerontes: Blanco y Negro. El rinoceronte blanco puede ser 8000 libras y el rinoceronte negro puede ser 3000 libras. La gente quiere rinocerontes para su piel para hacer la armadura, carne para comer, y el cuerno de la medicina.

Los efectos:
Uno de los efectos es que los rinocerontes están muriendo. Ellos están en peligro de extinction, que aumenta la rareza. Probablemente, no habrá rinocerontes en Africa en 2025.

Hecho 1: La población de rinocerontes ha reducido de 70000 en 1960 a 28000 en 2015. X...