Robin Hood a Sociological Analysis

Robin Hood a Sociological Analysis

Robin Hood A Sociological Analysis

Functionalism is associated with the work of Parsons, his aim was to provide an outline that combined the views of Weber, who stressed the importance of understanding people’s actions and those of Durkheim, who focused on the structure of societies and how they function.
Whereas Marxism is based on, the writings of Karl Marx who wanted to create a scientific explanation of societies. He believed the economic system of any society was likely to determine the social structure. The owners of the economic structure are able to control that society and construct values about social relationships that reflect their own interests. Other groups in society, being less powerful generally accept these values and social relationships, even though they are not in their interest.
However, Social action theories believed that the way to understand society is not to start analysis at the top by analysing the structure of society as Marxism and functionalism do, but to begin from the bottom of society by analysing the way people interact with each other.

Functionalism, Marxism and interactionism can all be applied to Robin Hood, prince of thieves. Functionalism can be applied to the movie for the group Robin is the leader of are all very calm and harmonious with each other and are a close community. However, those not in his group experience violence as there is a high level of conflict between Robin Hoods group and the sheriffs therefore Marxism can also be applied. Interactionism may also be applied as it is very clear to see how the characters from Robins group interact with each other and with those not from their clan.

Some perspectives are more applicable to some issues more than others for instance when the battles took place it was difficult to apply the functionalism perspective as the society was not operating harmoniously and was more easier to apply the Marxism perspective as conflict, disagreement and violence was...

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