Roles and Functions of Law

Roles and Functions of Law

Role and Functions of Law
Law has been a part of state and society since the beginning of time. Through the years these laws have become more complex to accommodate a vast and changing society. This paper will demonstrate the roles and functions of law in society and how it relates to business and even my current job.
The purpose of law is to preserve social control, helps resolve conflicts, assist in orderly change, safeguards public direction, and gives direction to the government on what it is allowed to do. The creation of law is to “maintain the safety of lawful citizens from those who are unlawful” (Now You Can Know The Functions Of Law, 2013, para. 3). Law also serves to” prevent the arbitrary rule of lackluster leaders who may decide to take over the nations” (Now You Can Know The Functions Of Law, 2013, para. 3).
Society has become very diverse, which has required law to expand to cover different rules. The development of civil laws was to help parties, or businesses recoup funds that may have lost because of someone’s illegal and unethical behavior. Criminal laws protect the society from criminal behavior, by prosecuting individuals or organizations that have behaved illegal or unethical resulting in loss to an individual or organization. Substantive law outlines the facts of court case and shows what rights the individual or parties have for his or hers case. Procedural law is “the steps which the case passes through” (Procedural Law vs Substantive Law, 2013, para. 3), this helps keep the process consistent throughout the judicial system during the due process. Public law defines how individuals should act in society and protects society from individuals who may be a threat to society. Private law relates to how individuals behavior toward one another.
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