Running with Scissors

Running with Scissors

In the beginning of the movie Deidre Burroughs, Augustans mother, and his father, Norman Burroughs, are in the kitchen. They get into a violent argument and Mr. Burroughs falls down. Later that night Deidre calls over a psychologist, named Dr. Finch. She tells him that she is very frantic, upset, and anxious. She also complains that she is emotionally charged. Dr. Finch tells her that she is constipated in her life. He diagnoses her of Anxiety and gives her valum. She also has thoughts of suicide. Anxiety is characterized by physical arousal and feeling of tension, apprehension, and worry. Usually anxiety disorders seriously interfere with daily functioning. It has been found that there is a genetic component linked to anxiety. People with anxiety usually have panic attacks which keep them from doing everyday tasks. People with panic disorders tend to misinterpret the physical signs of arousal as catastrophic and dangerous. This interpretation adds to their physiological arousal and in a vicious cycle intensifies the symptoms.
Deidre Burroughs is also suffering from depression. She complains that she was once in love with her husband, but no longer is. Natalie Finch is also suffering from depression. She feels depressed because the man she loves does not want her back. Depression is a mood disorder characterized by extreme and persistent feeling of despondency, worthlessness, hopelessness causing impaired emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and physical functioning. A few common symptoms of depression are turning away from other people, smiles less often, slow movements in speech and gestures, and suicidal thoughts.
Augustan and Natalie are playing doctor at the Finch’s house. Natalie prescribes electroshock therapy as “treatment” for Augustan. Electroshock therapy is a biomedical therapy used primarily in the treatment of depression that involves electrically inducing a brief brain seizure. It is usually a series of 6 to 10 treatment that are...

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