S27En Opening Scene

S27En Opening Scene

Textual Analysis- Se7en

Se7en is a film made in 1995 directed by David Fincher and written by Andrew Kevin Walker. Two major Hollywood stars such as Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt make this movie popular amongst the audiences.
The first scene begins with a wide shot of Detective Somerset (Morgan Freeman), you can immediately see that he is one of the main characters in this film as he is in the centre of the frame and the sides of the frame are blurred out. This is done so that the audience can automatically be drawn in to looking at Detective Somerset. Then you see him walking off but the camera doesn’t track where he is going so that when he is out of the frame, it cuts to the next shot. Also in this first shot, you can clearly hear the loud non diegetic sound of an ambulance siren, this is non-diegetic because it is not a sound from the story, it is a sound that has been added on in the background to add a subtle hint that he might be involved in the law.
The next shot is an over the shoulder close-up shot of Detective Somerset doing his top button up and putting on his tie, this shot will expose to the audience that he is a formal guy. In this shot of Detective Somerset, there is low key lighting from a bedside lamp. After he has done up this tie in this scene, the camera tilts up to show a close up of his face so that the audience can see his facial expression which at this point seems calm and relaxed.
After the over the shoulder shot of Detective Somerset, it cuts to a close up shots of all his personally belongings. In this scene, you learn a lot about his character. This scene also reveals to us that he is a Detective, it is shown when you can see him picking up his detective police badge. Other items such as a knife, pen and handkerchiefs were also picked up. These shots with all his items laid out on the table suggests that he might care a lot about his appearance.
The next shot proves that he likes to look smart and tidy as he picks a bit of...

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