Samacheer Kalvi - Good or Bad

Samacheer Kalvi - Good or Bad

Samacheer Kalvi - Good or Bad

Samacheer Kalvi was the previous state government's attempt to standardize the different streams of education in the state under one umbrella. It was aimed at equalizing standards of education by prescribing uniform text books for all schools in the state irrespective of boards.
Tamil Nadu claims to rank as one of the most literate states in the country with wide spread availability of schools and colleges. Under the present system our students are examined in such a way that they score 100% marks even in subjects like English and Tamil. Through this book syllabus and multiple choice questions, it is easy to score extraordinary high marks. But that does not indicate felicity with the language or any other subject. Many of our renowned business organizations feel that those who come out of our present education system, with flying colours are completely unemployable. They need to be trained afresh.
What we need more importantly at this juncture is reforms leading to improvements in the infrastructure facilities, teacher training, proper teacher student ratio, good syllabus and hygienic environment. Our education system should aim to produce quality students with 'human' intelligence, capable of thinking on their own. They should be capable of finding solutions for the problems facing them and the nation as a whole. It is a pity that our present education system as well as the samacheer plan does not meet there expectations.
Samacheer Kalvi is not the solution for the concerns of the parents, educationist, teachers or business organizations who are really worried about the falling standards of education in a state that was once known for the quality of its educational institutions and their products.
Thanks you.

Samrudhi Elizabeth Saju
Class IV B

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