same sex

same sex

• Same-sex relationships have changed family law significantly, by saying It’s okay for a child to have two moms or two dads for parents. Marriage as a whole has changed most in the last half century because of de-gendering family law. The concept of a traditional marriage is designed to be for one man and one woman not two men and two women.
• So far there is no major signs of negative effects and some say that there could benefit from it. It could benefit the economy because when people get married they need caterers, and hotels, bakeries, and wedding planners to help plan the wedding. So that would put more money into the economy because that stuff has to be paid for, and it could increase government revenues by $500 to $700 million yearly.
• Some people say that marriage provides both physical and psychological health benefits and some other people say that banning gay marriage would increase the rates of psychological disorders.
• Some people say that by 2015, most Americans would support same-sex marriage for the first time and they predicted that Mississippi would be the last state to legalize SSM, and that it would in 2024.
• If the population of the Unites states(314 million), and 5% of the population is gay or lesbian and that 75% of the population are adults, then there about 12 million adult gay and lesbians. And if 30% will live together and have an average of 0.5 children each, and that 70% live in states that do not allow Same Sex-Marriage, then there is a chance for over a million children to be humiliated and made fun of by others because the lack of a married status of their parents or because they were raised by parents that are the same sex. The number is probably bigger, because the calculation is based on conservative numbers. There is an estimate of tens of thousands of children that will be raised by same-sex parents in the future.

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