Scholl Uniforms

Scholl Uniforms

School Uniforms

The top 10 cities with the most students in uniform are: los angelos and long beach-California, New York, Dallas/Houston/Fort Worth Texas, Washington D.C., Detroit, Philadelphia, Jacksonville- Florida and Atlanta, Georgia.

Seventeen Magazine ran a poll asking, do school uniforms help? 76% of those responding said yes, they help kids focus on learning. 22% said No, they put an end to individuality; and 3% were undecided.
It has been offered that it is hard for some families to afford the cost of uniforms, but school uniforms are actually less expensive. The average cost of a uniform runs $25-40 per outfit. Parents actually spend less on clothing during the course of the year since they only have to provide a minimum of two outfits for school, and non- school clothing gets less wear.

Some people object to the lack of individuality in a uniform, but it is possible to give each level of students a little more freedom in accessorizing. The first four years the uniform might be standard, with a change in vest one year, style or color of socks in other years, allowing some personalization. Students can still make personal choices when choosing after- school clothing.

One of the advantages of uniforms is the prevention of gang colors and signs.
It follows that it might also make a school safer by limiting gang violence. Uniforms definitely minimize the economic differences. While that issue is never going to be totally eliminated, the uniforms take the pressure off children who are very clothing conscious.

It’s been suggested that school attendance is improved by requiring uniforms; because the students don’t have the age old problem of I don’t have anything to wear!!!!! Or the problems with being made fun of or taunted because maybe a particular student isn’t as rich as others, and cant afford the costs of better looking and more “in” clothes. This is a way we can get rid of negative diversity.

Personally, I think they are a great...

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