School poem

School poem

Why do I go to school? To get a degree to earn money. But a degree cost money which will takes years to pay off. But why do I want money, to buy lavish things, but why would I want lavish things when I have a great life. why buy lavish things when it could cost me my life(jealousy from other people) or cause destruction to the wonderful life I have. i want lavish things and to have a degree, to impress people, what's the point of impressing people if they always have opinions which I will constantly strive to achieve. Because that's what I was raised to believe, to believe that going to school and having a degree will make life wonderful. It will make life easier for me, but I wonder. How can someone who's never been rich tell me it's the better life. When I have friends who's parents are rich and they want my poor life. They want the experience to enjoy their family and express the bother sister hatred(lol). Is it better to be rich and be totally clueless to the world around, or is it better to be rich so that my children could be ungrateful and dissatisfied. What's the real reason for going to school and having a degree. No one could answer, because we are so wrapped around this customized American procedure, that going to school would provide us a better life and that making good grades separates the best from the worse. When in reality we are the same within.
I met this man with limited or nothing as we Americans say. Who worked 5 jobs with a family and a rusty home. Who was the happiest man alive, it confused me because I'm so custom to thinking that having money and flashy things are the key to happiness. When the man who had nothing achieved everything I wanted without the money. So what exactly is the reason for having money, there is none, money is a catch-22. You spends years working for it, and when you get it you're still not happy and continue to spend more years working to gain the emptiness that's within you. And if you never had it, when you...

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