

Part 1: Book
Why am I still fat? Am I ever going to get married? What is wrong with me? Why was I born this way? Is there something wrong with my mirror? Can anybody see the weight I have lost? What is the next, I have tried everything? As I ponder on all of these questions above, my mind and heart are bombarded about my physique. All of my life weight management and dieting are the two most debilitating tasks to conqueror. Upon taking this course, I decided to focus on a higher quality strategic plan to implement as my main focus. Dr. J. Fuhrman book entitled “The End of Dieting: How to Live for Life” captivated my imagination. The neutrons, protons and electrons were beginning to plagued my mind and change my focus from dieting to living. This book would be the source of precipitating a lasting effect of improvement toward an optimum level of healthy eating and exercising. After much researching, I discovered, Dr. Fuhrman a board certified doctor and New York Times best- selling author who exemplifies ways to live for the food and not allow the essence of dieting to captivate your lifestyle. His book, “The End to Dieting” entails truth, knowledge and a straightforward path leading people to simple ways to restrain and inverse disease processes, reduce weight gain and restore your right to an optimum level of health. Choosing this book to explore has been a life-changing and enchanting experience.
Part 2: Topics of Interest
The most intriguing subject in this book was Chapter Two Exposing Diet Myths. On page 34, it describes a condition called “Selective Perception, which warrants views of an individual only through their eyelids of how an idea or subject matter should be viewed from their own personal experiences. This condition places blinders on your eyesight which causes a prejudicial frame of reference concerning an outlook on a subject of thought. When this occurs, it clouds our perception in a vast array of untruthful and deceptive beliefs;...

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