

Marquavious Wilson

1a.The topic sentence of the paragraph would be "A trip to the ocean can be a relaxing escape from the everyday pressures of life". 1b. The sentence that is unrelated to the topic and can be eliminated would be " You
should always be careful to avoid overexposure to the sun at the beach. ".
2. Four things to look for while proofreading is spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence structure.
3a. Cliché - An idea or object of an art work that has been worn out to the point it loses the original meaning or effect.
3b. If you are not included with the solution then you are apart of the problem.

4. Prewriting is all about practing for your official writing. Brainstorming, grab a list of every interesting moments that comes to mind. Freewriting, begin the paper with what comes to mind about your topic. When writing your job is to come up with one good idea and to start it right your suppose to set your mind free
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