

In earth we live, the relationship of the human being with nature is based on accountability and friendship, not enmity or devastation. God has created the earth for the comfort of human beings, so an enabling environment for their advancement and excellence can be created. Nonetheless, the more human beings developed and addressed their curiosities, the more they shut their eyes towards realities and intentionally damaged the environment. Perhaps, irrespective of geographical location, sect or religion, it is in the human nature to fulfill their desires even if they have to resort to illogical measures. For, greed manifests in any form.
There is a wide range of factors involved in the destruction of living conditions and the environment, which [if identified and addressed], can play a pivotal role in creating an appropriate living environment. On the one hand human beings have developed and become more civilized, but on the other hand, they have taken intentional steps towards their destruction.
Air pollution and irrational over-consumption of natural resources have disruptive impact and negative effects on the beings on earth. The ever-increasing pollution and destruction of the environment causes irreparable damage and poses formidable challenges for the safety and survival of human beings and other creatures. Specifically, deforestation, destruction of pasture land, desertification, air pollution, climate change, destruction of the ozone layer and creatures becoming extinct navigate the human beings to a blurry and gloomy future
Whenever the issues of environment and pollution have arisen, citizens and the government have entered in to a blame game. The government and municipality think that the citizens do not cooperate effectively. Meanwhile, citizens are of the belief that the government and municipality do not pay due attention to the cleanliness of streets and roads. However, in a fair judgment, one can conclude that both the government and citizens...

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