Scientific Method

Scientific Method

 Science Buddies states that the scientific method is a manner in which one can ask and answer questions by making observations and then participating in experiments to prove the question (Notebooks, 2002). In this case, Eric can state what the question is by implying that one or more of the foods may have made participants ill. He then would need to produce an experiment in which he would choose the particular foods he felt may have made individuals sick. In his observation of the picnic, he found that not all persons became ill. Eric also observed that two foods had characteristics that may have caused illness. In this manner, Eric was stating an hypothesis that only singular foods caused the problem, not the whole menu. He observed that the hamburger meat was half cooked and that the potato salad seemed to be warm. In this way, he utilized a part of the scientific method in which cause and effect are considered (Notebooks, 2002). Eric would then need to research what happens to people when they eat raw meat and additionally, how long should meat be cooked to be considered safe. In looking at the potato salad, Eric should make an hypothesis about the amount of time any food can be left out without being refrigerated as well as noting facts particular to potato salad’s problems when left out too long. After these steps, Eric would need to prove his theory by making similar experiments. As this would be unsafe for individuals, Eric could study past examples of food poisoning and compare the data concerning raw meat and potato salad to his own hypothesis and conclusion. In that manner, Eric would be able to prove whether or not his hypotheses and conclusions were correct.

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