

1. Virtual Representation- The English Parliament’s belief that colonials didn’t have to be included in Parliament or have a direct vote in the law making process, because they were already included in parliament because they were already English.

2. Proclamation of 1763- issued by George III, this proclamation controlled Land transactions, settlement, and trade. After the defeat of the French and Indian allies, more groups(Virginia, Pennsylvania, and the Five Nations Iroquois ) wanted to expand westward. The line was created to keep Britain’s Native American Allies.

3. Quebec Act of 1774- one of the final Factors that pushed the colonist to declare independence. The Quebec Act was a series of laws passed to gain the Favor of the French Canadians. The Act made Roman Catholicism Quebec’s official religion. This sparked sentiment, because colonist felt that if the King could allow a religion, the King could also ban or take away a religion. Furthermore, the Quebec Act gave sweeping, or absolute powers to the governor, but didn’t included a legislature,. In, addition French Courts didn’t use juries.

4. Letters From a Farmer in Pennsylvania- Published in 1767 by John Dickenson. The letters appeared in every colonial newspaper, opposed the Revenue acts. The essay argued that even though parliament had the power to regulate trade by imposing laws, the colonies were sovereign in their internal affairs. Thus taxes laid upon the colonies by Parliament for the purpose of raising revenue, rather than regulating trade, were unconstitutional.

5. Governing New England – No separation between church and State. At the inception, the Massachusetts Bay colony was governed by male saints, or saved Puritans. Church attendance was the requirement for voting. During the English Civil war, Massachusetts was governed under Salutary Neglect and town meetings, because King Charles was too busy with the affairs in England that he could not regulate the colonies at...

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