Secular Humanism

Secular Humanism

Secular Humanism is a philosophy that emphasizes ethics, reason, and justice. It is sometimes viewed as being religious, and sometimes as being atheist. Secular Humanism has had a profound influence on people throughout the ages worldwide, even during the time of the Italian Renaissance.

There are a few different views of Secular Humanism. While secular humanists view Secular Humanism as having no relation to god or godlike figures, some Christian Fundamentalists view it as another name for atheism, because it has a moral belief structure. However, even though many secular humanists are nontheistic, atheist, or agnostic, not all nontheists, atheists, or agnostics are secular humanists. Another contrast in the views of Secular Humanism is whether it is for those who are non-religious or anti-religious, the former being the more common of the two.

There are also, however, similarities between the different views of Secular Humanism. For instance, both Christian Fundamentalists and secular humanists acknowledge that there is a difference between “Religious Humanism” and “Secular Humanism.” Also, many people agree in their view, similarly to that of secular humanists, that you should to unto others as you would have them do to you.

The structure of Secular Humanism had a major impact throughout the world, especially during the Italian Renaissance. During the Renaissance, some people started to shift intellectual emphasis away from theology and logic toward specifically human studies, creating the Italian Renaissance and laying a foundation for modern-day secular humanists. Today, secular humanists still believe in reason, evidence, growth, and creativity—aspects adapted from the ideas of the “humanists” of the Renaissance.

There are a few separate views of Secular Humanism—some similar, some not. Whether it is an atheist religion or not, and for which people it is for is still up for debate. It has influenced our lives today by influencing, and...

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