Senior Analysis

Senior Analysis

When does control become to much in a civilization? Imagine not having the free will to pick your own clothes, your occupation, or even your capability of intelligence. The idea of such extreme deprivation occurs in the novel Brave New World, written by Aldous Huxley. All of this would be unnatural in our world. People here have the ability to choose for themselves, and have their own identities. So what world is the right world? One where everything is decided for you, or the one where you have free will?
The peoples lives from Brave New World are controlled in every way. One of the many ways they accomplished this, was by the idea that their “business is to stabilize the population (Brave New World pg 8).” This was accomplished by making the women wear contraceptive belts, this was their way of keeping them from forming a “family” with any of the other members from their world. Family to them was non existing, believing in something such as this would be considered taboo. To them “family” was a foreign word, and would bring confusion, as “they had not yet learned to draw the significance but often very fine distinction between smut and pure science (pg 23).” Yet, the most relevant way they “stabilized the population (pg 8)” among them was by the cloning of babies, and the procedure they knew as, “Bokanovsky’s Process (pg 6).” This process was used to their advantage, because where one human being grew, now up to ninety-six could grow. Never would I have imagined this way of thinking in our world. For most people here, family is the most important thing. It’s what keeps us together, the ones who help us up when we’re down, or in need of help. Most importantly family are
the people who give us unconditional love.

Not only were they deprived from the thought or possibility of having a family, but they were also deprived from the ability of knowing and feeling what love is. In their world there is no such thing as love. They do not know...

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