Senior Speech

Senior Speech

Dear Incoming Freshman,

This next year in high school is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, but it is also not just a walk in the park either. You experience long research projects, essays, tests, and book talks. None of these things are really that hard. You get plenty of time to do each task and the teachers are more than willing to help you in any way possible. Your peers, family, and teachers/coaches will play an important role in the next four years of your life. Learn to get along with them and don’t try to fight them.
Looking back on my freshman year, I realize that I did not make my GPA as important as it should have been. The grades you make your freshman year will make or break your GPA for your high school career. So take it seriously! After your finished there is no going back to fix your grade. This will have an impact on the college that you want to go to and what you want to study.
Also, don’t worry about getting beat up because your nerd or a freshman. It never happens. The worst that happens to you is getting booed at pep-rallies. Life as a freshman is not hard. The best thing for you to do is stay out of there way and nothing will go wrong. Trust me; we really don’t care what you’re doing, how you’re doing, or any other aspect of your life. And that’s the truth.
Finally, the teachers are not devils. They are your friends. They will work with you and help your grade if you work hard during the six weeks. But if you slack off and give them hell they will not help you out when it comes to passing or failing. You will hate them at first, but slowing and surly they will grow on you and you will come to like them and appreciate what they do for you day in and day out.
Life is hard and tough, but you’re your friends and family will guide you on a path to success and will never let you down. So remember take your time and cherish the moments you have in high school because you will only be in high school once in...

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