

Have We Been seussed?
“Horton hears a who” is about An elephant named Horton who is asked to protect whoville from harm. Horton couldn’t see them or even hear them that well. Horton tells the Who’s that in order for them to stay alive they would need to make themselves heard to the other animals in the jungle. They accomplished this by making lots of noise so they were heard by the jungle folks. This connects to the social theory of human factors. The facts that the who’s have to stand up for themselves and make a decision to have them heard can affect the whole society. If one who stands up for themselves then the others will follow which would cause social progression. “a person is a person no matter how small they are.” Geographically speaking where we live there is discrimination, hatred and social supremacists throughout school, the workplace and society. Where we live in the world can affect how we are as a person because in a first world country we have to adapt to the social changes and the status quo. Sadly we do care about the level of social acceptation and we do disvalue people that don’t have a say or cannot say anything because of these social acceptations. Canada today has been a diverse country and has socially and nationally gotten better from past to present. In section 2 of the charter of rights of Canada it contains, “the freedom of religion” and “The freedom of expression” Focusing on the freedom of expression, it relates to “Horton hears a who” because the who’s make a lot of noise to be heard throughout the jungle. This is like how people would have assembled and civilized protests to be heard throughout the country or the world. To a humans advantage we also have the media which can broadcast it to get the message across to people that aren’t in our society. This can also tie into the sociological theory external factors because what we do in Canada may have an effect on people in Europe or Asia. In the broader structure of the world...