

Is taking life murder or is it merciful? Is killing a fetus 1stdegree murder or is it justice? These are some of the questions asked when a woman has an abortion. There are approximately 3,700 abortions a day. Most of those abortions are from rape , incest, health issues and social reasons. The Question is abortion murder or not murder .Is the fetus a fully developed human or just a egg.Abortion is not murder if the fetus is in
Abortion: Stopping A Beating Heart
Abortion is an extremely controversial issue and one that can arouse very strong feelings on both sides of the debate. Those who oppose abortion call it murder and condemn the idea of a woman “playing God” with a human life, deciding who will live and who will die. Yet whether an unborn baby constitutes a life is questionable; a pregnant woman, on the other hand, has the undeniable right to choose whether she wants to have a child or not. And the truth is that laws prohibiting abortion inhibit freedom of choice and endanger the physical and mental health of women.
Prior to the 1800's, most states practiced some variation of English Common Law which generally lacked explicit codification. Add to this the fact that solid statistics about abortion and/or unwed pregnancy simply do not exist for the time period, and you begin to see why it is so difficult to compile an accurate history of abortion in early America. Individual accounts, from journals, periodicals or court records, are all we can rely on for acquiring the anecdotal evidence necessary to make some conclusions.
The first known conviction for the "intention to abort" was handed down in Maryland in the year 1652. Four years later, also in Maryland, a woman was arrested for murder after procuring an abortion, but the case was thrown out when she married the only witness, who then refused to testify. A 1710 Virginia law made it a capital crime to conceal a pregnancy and then be found with a dead baby. Likewise, a 1719 Delaware law made...

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