Sheena Lynegar

Sheena Lynegar

Sheena Lynegar is currently ranked 48th on the Thinkers50 list she is the S.T. Lee Professor of Business at Columbia Business School and the Director of the Jerome A. Chazen Institute of International Business. Dr. Lyengar is known for her research on “choice”, she believes if an individual is allowed to make their own choices he or she will be more successful. The Assumption of choice according to her research is:
1. Make you own choice-stick to your guns and be true to yourself
2. More Options-Better Choices
3. Never say “no” to choice
She compared Americans to Eastern Europeans and how Americans pay for choices unlike other countries whereby choices are made for the average citizen. The concept of choice may seem small but Dr. Lynegar is positive proof that if one has choices the individual will and can control the outcome in a positive direction.
Dr. Lynegar at the age of three was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa and inherited disease of retinal degeneration, she lost her father when she was only 13 and by the eleventh grade she was completely blind. With these three difficulties and obstacles facing her, she did not falter. She is illustrating in her personal and professional life that having choices can and will improve the outcome of one’s success.
Having the ability to choose is very important to many individuals and as students we have many choices; we can decide which school to attend, rather to obtain an MBA or Masters, etc. According to Columbia Business School Dean Glenn Hubbard “there are only four of five programs that I would recommend for my son to attend in order to obtain an MBA.” He did not name his school of choice but he did confirm that there are many to choose from; however, he supports only four or five. Byrne, J. (2013, February 08). Columbia B-school’s Glenn Hubbard: Is an MBA worth it?...