Slavery in North America

Slavery in North America

Slavery in North America was one of the harsh ways the U.S came to be. In reality without slavery America would have been nothing but it wasn’t an excuse it was just wrong. The first blacks came from Africa; better yet they were taken from their homeland and brought here to America. This was said to happen some time near 1619, the 1st slaves were brought from Africa to Virginia and from that day it continued for almost 250 years more slaves were brought. For every slave it was like having a bad job and there was nothing they could do. By 1860 there was over 4 million slaves not including the ones that died on the voyage to the Caribbean and then to the U.S. The reason slaves were brought to America was because white people believed they were profitable.
Well in the being the Europeans that came to the U.S we know now started to enslave the natives the original people that were there. Their plan went terribly wrong when the natives started do die out from diseases and the hard work they were put to do. In this case they needed someone that’s was strong enough to handle the labor and at this time Africa was found. This was when every thing started in the 1600’s and slaves were being shipped to sugar plantations and being sold to work for people for no pay. Then to make even more profits America decided they should start to trade, thus the triangle was made in beginning of the 18th century.


The trianlge trade also known as the alantic slave trade consit of three parts. It started from the U.S and then to Africa and then to the Carribean and then back to America. The first part carried goods to Africa such as rum, cotton, guns and other manufactured good. The second part is known as the middle passage and this was where Africans were brought to the carribean through slavery there was about 10- 12 million taken from Africa. During...

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