Small Thoughts

Small Thoughts

There are many of ways to adapt and overcome today’s everyday living and lifestyles. There are the people that join the military because that is a fast and easy choice for them. There are also the people that take the ill legal route out and steal everything that you and I work so hard for. Those people have no respect or self discipline. Today people should man up and confess their sins and turn to doing right and move on. That is another reason. For example joking the military there are rules and regulation that u have to follow call the ump. The law requires the Commander-in-Chief (The President of the United States) to implement the provisions of the UCMJ. The President does this via an executive order known as the "Manual for Court Martial" (MCM). Chapter 4 of the MCM includes, and expands on the punitive articles. The MCM divides the punitive articles into six parts: The text, elements of the offense, an explanation, lesser included offenses, maximum permissible punishments, and sample specifications. Lesser Included Offense: These are lesser offenses that a military court may still find an accused guilty of, even if the court finds the accused not guilty of the originally charged offense. For example, "Manslaughter," under Article 119 is a lesser included offense of "Murder," under Article 118. If a military court finds the accused not guilty of the crime of Murder, the court can still find the accused guilty of Manslaughter, without the government having to amend the charges. a soldier has the following rights under Article 15, UCMJ: to appear personally before the commander who is offering the Article 15; turn down an Article 15 and demand trial by court-martial; submit matters

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