snow white

snow white

Little Snow White
There are some new books retelling the old tales with new version or ideas. The old version transposed oral folk tales into fairy tales. This transfer involved when they want to reveal politics, economics, fashion, and prejudices of a sophisticated culture replaced the values of rural culture that form the context of oral folklore. Part of this transfer the transposing of an essentially feminine form could be the wives tale onto a masculine one. Worldwide women are hard working; they were full time moms, with the men working outside the home. Nowadays, they are full time moms and workings outside like men. At this time, women are working at home or outside home because they are hard workers and the income is needed from a men and women to survive. “Snow White” is a German fairy tale is famous fairy tales worldwide, brothers Grimm wrote the Original Version and the new version is retold by Jessica Breheny which she has details of the original version ideas added on. Even though Breheny’s ideas on women was the believe of the society’s influence that a woman’s beauty is characterized by how she looks, or other exterior appearance, I think three female themes are seen conspicuously in Snow White’s fairy tale retold by Breheny; The main feminist themes are women had less power, infertility of Snow White shouldn’t put her in trouble, and women is contributing in the economy of the society.
            For long time women were weak and powerless but nowadays women have made extensive progress and they are equal to men. Breheny pinpointed that women were praying for body beauty not beauty of mind and the role of women solely being taking care of the house and dependent upon prince charm’s kiss for her future. The fact that the mirror never tells a lie and horrifies the old princess suggests that everything the mirror tells her about her body, is the ultimate goal she has to reach and would do whatever it takes to achieve and sustain that goal....

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