

Food Inc.
After watching food Inc., I felt so sad. The movie was interesting about where the food we eat comes from, but scary and disgusting. I became more aware of the food I eat or buy. The part that most bothered me the most in the food Inc. movie was the part about the firms hiring illegal workers. I think it is unfair, and morally wrong that the companies will hire these worker, and then turn them over to the police, who knew they were hiring illegals. As the documentary suggests, it does create some feeling of a secret police type system where everyone is plotting together against the illegal immigrants. The police should not take sides and with what they are doing, it does not seem like they are doing their job correctly. The people who were working for those big companies should be part of the company and not kicked out of it.
The most important idea I took from food Inc., if it was not that the actions against the illegal immigrant are wrong, is that more people need to be aware of these things in order to change them. If laws are not being made, this is because not enough people are influencing lawmakers to do so. It would be difficult for a few thousand people to change the way things are done in the united states, but a few hundred thousand or a few million people would have a larger impact, if this documentary has that effect on so many American, then more power to the people.
In other way, after watching food Inc. I feel like that it raises too many issues and too few solutions. I agree with enforcing and creating more labeling laws on the items we buy so at least us, the consumers, can choose what we want to buy, and what is in our food. Not all people eat or drink the same. Some people can’t eat some kind of things because of their health, and others because of their religion believes. It could be other situation too, such as, people that are body builders, they have to count every calorie in their every meal, or people who...

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